Thursday 3 July 2014

Pekin 1900

All photos courtesy of Graham Knight
The following photos depicting action photos of a detachment of the 2nd Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers and the part they took with the 12 allied powers in the Boxer rebellion 1900 and subsequently made close friends with  the U S Marine Corps

Lte.Henry Gerald Weston x
Lt Henry Ward
Medal Roll 1
China medal roll 1
Medal Roll 2
China medal roll 2
V,W, China 1
“G”Company football team.

V,W, China 2
Tug of war team
V,W, China 3
Inside the British legation
V,W, China 4
Main entrance to the British legation
V,W, China 5
Government house Tientsin
V,W, China 6
Tientsin railway station
V,W, China 7

Tientsin railway station in the winter
V,W, China 8

Weston caught in the act (bogus robbery)V,W, China 9
A corner of the Pekin wall.
V,W, China 10
Cole Hill outside Pekin
V,W, China 11
Pekin wall breach which troops
entered to relieve Pekin
V,W, China 12
Monument in front of the main
entrance to commemorate the siege
V,W, China 13
Hatta main gate
V,W, China 14
1st gate to the forbidden city
V,W, China 15
Pekin in winter
Showing a clearer view of upper portion

V,W, China 18
Summer palace Pekin.

V,W, China 20
Sir Ernest Tatou and staff British
Ministry Pekin
V,W, China 21
Repairing the Chein Mien  gate ready
for the Dowager Empress of China
V,W, China 22
Out side Pekin after the war
V,W, China 23
Montage showing members of the
Allied forces.
V,W, China 26
One of several gateways  that bar
entrance to the forbidden city
V,W, China 27
Lotus lake winter palace

V,W, China 28
Scene outside Pekin

V,W, China 30
The Chinese city Pekin

V,W, China 31
Another gate leading into the
forbidden city
V,W, China 32

V,W, China 33

Summer palace Pekin.

V,W, China 35

Bronze cow Pekin.
V,W, China 36
Temple just behind the summer palace Pekin
Lt Henry Gerald Weston Corporals room British Legation Pekin.
Note the unusual bearskin head wear worn by the R.W.F men in photo

Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi

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