Sunday 31 August 2014

Sporting snippets


1 R W F Boxing team 1947.2nd right front row

Ernie Loxton,2nd left back row Biddy Rees,

front row left Pat Gair, Lt Col Gwyder –Jones

1 R W F Boxing team 1947

2 R W F Boxing team Malaya 1954 back row Thomas 84,

2nd right front row Sullivan 08. C S M Cliff Meredith

centre front row.

2 R W F Boxing team Malaya

Boxing programme cover 1st battalion Germany.

1st Royal Scots Fusiliers Versus 1 Batt R W F

21st of January 1949My thanks to major Bob Doak

for permission to use this programme.

Boxing programme 3

List of bouts.

Boxing Programme page 2

Head Quarter soccer  team 2 R W F Malaya

1954 –1955 L to R standing E Royles, J A Williams,

W T James, R Jeffries, A B Coldrick, Rick O’ Shea

L to R Seated S S I, D Jones, W J Davies,

C S M Markbride J Stephens W D Davies


H Q Coy soccer team 2 R W F Malaya

1st battalion rugby team Jamaica 1952

Standing 2nd left Fus Carpenter, 7th Cpl Griff 70, next to Griff is “Ianto”  80,centre seated 1st is Sgt  Jones 35, then major Tolhurst, end of centre row Cpl Duffisey.

R W F Rugby team Jamaica 1952

Cross country 1948 B A O R Germany.

X Country

Saturday 30 August 2014

Lichfield arboretum

Photos of the “Shot at dawn” site.

This site has the appearance of an

amphitheatre, with  stakes showing

the details of the men sentenced to death

for various acts of a lack of military discipline.

Shot  at Dawn Vert

Shot at Dawn portrait

Image of a regimental plaque in the arboretum.

This plaque was dedicated during major Arthur

Ellingham’s tenure of office as the Regimental secretary.

It has a verse written by Hedd Wyn

R W F plaque arboretum

Thursday 28 August 2014

Photos of 1/R W F in Germany

A group of 4 men from the 1st circa 1948 names unavailablePrograNumber me page 1

R W F group in Berlin August 1949

Man in the middle of the back row is

Oscar Slater, kneeling is Cpl Kingdon


Number 2 Germany Oscar and Kingdon

2nd left  Sgt E Wilcock next to Wilcock the man has a blue beret which was a new issue.


number 4 Ernie wilcocks rwf

R W F in a tented camp one name only Pedler.

No 5 PedlarRWF group Germany

Portrait of Fus Ithell Dusseldorf 1948

no 7 Ithell

Photo of Sgt Wilcock, Cpl Simpson, Cpl Hazard,

Cpl Kingdon,Cpl Maslin, Cpl Miles Berlin 1949

No6 as listed

Group photo taken in Berlin 1949

No 8 Berlin

Photo of “A” Company

No 9 A coy

“A” Company 1st Battalion R W F No 10 RWF

Dettingen Platoon Germany


No 11 a

Wuppertal 25 March 1948One name on photo “Den”

no 12 rwf

Cpl Kingdon and Cpl Zarachi With out beret who I think changed

his name to Anderson

no 13

Snap of left to right Bob Mann, Garrington, and Ken “Swede”Richards

no 14

Snap of Hughes 44 The 1st Battalion goal keeper

and his brother “Gash” Hughes.Dusseldorf

no 15 Gash

Snap of Sgt Trimble, Frank Miles, “Ianto” 80

Mick Simpson and “Griff” 70.

No 16 trimble

1st battalion on parade

no 17

March past of the 1st battalion R W F

and Drums General Maitland Wilson

taking the salute


no 18

General Maitland Wilson taking he salute

at march  past. Officer on the right is

Lt Col Gwyder Jones C O of the 1stno 19

Colour Party of the 1st

No 20 colours

Colour party of the 1st


No 21

Company inspection Note the officer in the ranks he

is wearing the blue beret. This beret was issue in or about

1949. The 1st in Jamaica all wore this beret and Hackle

when we were in Jamaica about April 1951

Wednesday 27 August 2014

“D” Day post cards.

An American parachutist (John Steele) suspended from a spire on Saint-Mere – Eglise  church.
number 1 St mere Eglise U S
A similar post card as above
St Merwe Eglise Number 2
Normandy landing beaches “D” day Number 3 Normandy Beachead U S
The 82nd and 1012st Airborne Division drop zones.St mere Eglise Number 4
The 101st and the 82nd U S Airborne Division Drop Zones
Number 5 The battle for Normandy
The battle for Normandy.
A) The Beach-heads On June the 6th.
B) The capture of Cherbourg
C) The battle of the Odon
D) St Lo battle.
E) Break through ( Operation Cobra)
F) The southern advance
G) The Falaise  pocket battle
Number 6 Point Du Hoc
The Normandy beaches. The U S rangers had to reduce a battery of German guns on this site.
Number 7 Sword Beach
Sword Beach.
Number 8 Pegasus Bridge
The capture of Pegasus Bridge

Friday 22 August 2014

Children’s Xmas party Malaya circa 1955

I have included 8 photos of the children’s Xmas party from Malaya. I am unable to put names to the children due to the fact I do not know for sure who is who.


Childrens Xmas Party Malaya 1954 Pic 1

Childrens Xmas party Malaya 1954 pic 2

Childrens Xmas party Malayua 1954 pic 3

Childrens Xmas party Malaya Pic 4children's Xmas party Malaya pic 8Children's Xmas party Malaya pic 7Children's xmas party Malaya pic 6

Childrn's Xmas party Malaya picture 5

Sunday 17 August 2014

R W F & R W F C A Xmas cards

2 R W F Quetta G K

R W F Xmas card showing tour of 2 R W F in Quetta and Baluchistan G Knight

2 R W F Silver Drums G K

R W F Card with the 2nd battalion and Silver Drums. G Knight

3rd special reserve battalion R W F with tin badge

3rd Special reserve Battalion showing tin badge. G Knight.

D L Sgts mess 2

Sgt’s mess 2nd R W F India circa 1905 ready for the C O’s and Adjutant’s visit D Langley

Remarkable gentlemen D L Cover

A card showing a remarkable generation of Royal Welchmen  D Langley

D L Remrkable gentlemen inside

Inside of card with names notable Royal Welchmen taken Xmas 1905 India 2nd battalion R W F D Langley

Front of 2 R W F card from Quetta

Front of 2 R W F card from Quetta India G Knight.

G K R W F C A 80th birthday

Card commemorating the 80th Birthday of the R W F C A G Knight

Great War Xmas Card R W F

Great War Xmas card R W F

R W F C A 80th Birthday card 80th birthday Graham Knight

Flyer of the R W F C A 80th Birthday G Knight

R W F card end of hostities

R W F card to commemorate the ending of hostilities 1918.

Welsh english Xmas  card

R W F Xmas Card 1916.