Monday 29 September 2014

Photos from France and Flanders of German infantry

These photos are used with the permission of Mr Quinn.
A  German M M G
German infantry out side of trench
Looks like a German high command “O” group
German infantry ready to get on the march
A German sentry by the fire step.
Germans trench cleaning
Germans peering out of a damaged trench entrance
A German O P group
A German artillery piece on the move
German infantry launching a stick grenade attack
A  German infantry man.
A German in what is left of a trench.
German infantry with a homemade plaque.
German infantry men playing cards
Germans out side the shell of a damaged house
A view of the damage in Langemark.
German troops on he Somme.
German infantry from the 112th Regiment.
German infantry men  on the fire step.
Men from the 106th Regiment
A German M M G squad.
Germans in make shift winter clothing.
A German infantry man posing with a dud shell.
A tank approaching a trench.
A German M M G with an observer.

Sunday 28 September 2014

German Great War adverts

These cards show a selection of German biscuits and this item was still on sale at the beginning of World War 2. My thanks to Mr Quinn for permission to use them.

Copy of gadv2

Copy of gadv3

Copy of gadv4

Copy of gadv5

Copy of gadv6

Copy of gadv7

Copy of gadv8

Satirical cards Great War.

These cards are self explanatory and are used with the kind permission of Mr D Quinn.



Saturday 27 September 2014

A selection of German Xmas cards.

Here is a selection of German Xmas cards from the Great War.It shows the other side of the coin.

A welcome home

A welcome home

A German Xmas card from the Balkans

German Balkans card

A German Xmas card

German soldiers Xmas

A German maritime Xmas card

German Xmas card at sea

A German Xmas card in the field.

German Xmas Card

A semi religious German Xmas card




A search for a Xmas tree.


A lonely vigil.

Lonely Vigil

A German sepia Xmas card

Sepia tint card

Saturday 13 September 2014

Ieper programme September 2014

Cover of the programme.
The unveiling of national memorial not just to the circa 40,000
who died in the Great War but all those of Welsh descent who served.

Programme page 1Cover Ieper
Page 1
Ieper page 1
Page 2.
Ieper page 2z
Page 3.
Ieper page 3

Friday 5 September 2014

Photo of the Goat and Goat Major, circa 1873

Mr Graham Knight kindly sent this picture for my web site.


It's a Long Way to Tipperary


Tipperary and the Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Private 35506 John Judge of the 8th Battalion RWF was born in Oldbury (The Black Country).

Enlisted in Birmingham, he was killed in action on the 15th February 1917.

His father was Jack Judge who wrote “It’s a long way to Tipperary” one of the greatest marching songs of the Great War. He was assisted by Harry Williams (Lyrics).

In January 1912 Jack Judge accepted a wager for 5 shillings from a friend to write a new song to be publicly performed inside 24 hours !!!!

It was sung within the stipulated time, at the Grand Theatre on Corporation Street Stalybridge.

According to records, Jack had no idea what to write about. Then by chance he overheard someone giving directions and one person said to the other “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary!" And that is how the song came into being.

Info courtesy of Graham Knight

Jack Judge and Son

Private 35506 John Judge 8th Batt. RWF KIA 15 Feb 1917

Jack Judge

Copy of Sheet Music

Rememberance Plaque